
Box Office Ticket Information

The Box Office is located in Room A121 across from the Kay Schomp Theatre and is open for over-the-counter or phone ticket sales Wednesday-Friday from 1:00 – 4:00pm. Online tickets can be purchased 24/7, but sales will end TWO hours before each performance. Additionally, unless the performance is SOLD OUT, any remaining tickets can be purchased over-the-counter at the Box Office in the hour before each performance.


Beki Pineda

Upcoming Performances


Monday, January 24 – 7:00 pm

Concert Hall

The Colorado Music Educators Association (CMEA) is a prestige group of music instructors that meet each year at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. DSA musical groups are invited to participate and showcase our talented students nearly every year. This year we are represented by groups from the Vocal, Band, and Orchestra departments. This concert will preview for parents and friends what the groups will be performing later in the week at the Broadmoor.

Dr. Ryan Garrison will lead the Treble Choir in musical selections; Dave Hammond’s Middle School Band will perform music from marches to a New Orleans tribute; followed by Dr. Enrique Lasansky and the DSA Orchestra performing the piece they will be playing later that week. A montage of music for your enjoyment.

We ask you to use discretion in seating your party. PLEASE make sure there is an empty seat on either end of your party’s seating for social distancing. PLEASE leave your masks in place during the performance. We want to be able to keep performing for you so we have to be careful and follow all of the protocols. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Thursday, January 27 – 4:00 pm

Thursday. January 27 – 7:00 pm

Saturday, January 29 – 4:00 pm

Saturday, January 29 – 7:00 pm

Tuesday, February 1 – 4:00 pm

Tuesday, February 1 – 7:00 pm

Black Box Theatre

The population of Almost, Maine – too small to be a town – too populated to be a wilderness – experiences the mystical powers of the Aurora Borealis one wintry night. A series of loosely connected tales about love introduces you to the moonstruck citizens of Almost.


Friday, January 28 – 4:00 pm

Friday. January 28 – 7:00 pm

Monday, January 31 – 4:00 pm

Monday, January 31 – 7:00 pm

Wednesday, February 2 – 4:00 pm

Wednesday, February 2 – 7:00 pm

Black Box Theatre

The eleven short vignettes in MARCUS IS WALKING are funny sketches about people in cars. Think about it – some of your most profound conversations and deepest thoughts have happened in your car. This delightful evening features bickering teenagers, an actor rehearsing HAMLET while complaining about other drivers, some back seat action and a father driving his young son around to trick-or-treat. “Marcus is walking,” he reports on the phone to his wife.


Friday, February 4 – 6:00 pm

Concert Hall

This concert will feature the Middle School and High School Piano majors playing duets together – our first duet concert since 2019. They are excited to perform together and have been working hard to perfect their techniques.


Friday, February 11 – 7:00 pm

Saturday, February 12 – 7:00 pm

DSA Schomp Theatre

How do we tell our stories? Or, more importantly, why do we tell our stories?

Somewhere between witty, wise, and heartfelt, FIVE POINTS, INFINITE CORNERS is the multigenerational story of Jasmine Moore and the Moore family, a fictional Black family in the 1950’s in Five Points, the area of Denver dubbed “the Harlem of the West.”

A playful and painfully relevant tale not only about Black suppression, but also a story of the historical revitalization of the Black Power movement through jazz, Black joy, and street art. FIVE POINTS, INFINITE CORNERS is foremost a tribute to Black Denver and the often under-appreciated role it plays.

When you purchase your tickets, please be sure that you are leaving an empty seat on both sides of your party for social distancing. You may be asked to move on the night of the performance if you have not allowed for social distancing.

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