Stagecraft & Design
Welcome to Stagecraft & Design
2024/25 Stagecraft and Design Handbook UPDATED 3/21/25
DSA Stagecraft & Design endeavors to provide students with a nurturing high school technical theatre and design program that examines technical theatre and design as a creative and multidisciplinary art form with emphasis on process and team building. Students will study design, stagecraft, theatre/art history, and practical skills as they relate to costuming, lighting, scenery, sound and stage management. The program seeks to instill in its students the discipline, work ethic, and compassion that are so necessary in helping them develop into great artists and great citizens.
It is the purpose of the Stagecraft and Design Department to provide an open forum for research, development, and production within the framework of the art forms that create Stagecraft. In doing so, we will strive to instill in each student the following understandings for artistic growth:
• Team Design
• Collaboration and communication
• Respect for, and responsiveness to, the needs of students, faculty, and staff
• Highest standards in professionalism, design, creativity and academics
• Critical, creative and imaginative thinking, diversity of ideas
• Artistic, academic and intellectual exploration
“It is amazing how much people get done if they do not worry about who gets the credit.” – Swahili proverb

Contact Information:
Costume Design Director:
Lara Kirksey
Room 155
Costume Shop Manager:
Nikki Harrison
Room 155
Office: 720-424-1772
Lighting Design Instructor:
Keith Rice
Room 154
Scenic Design Instructor / Technical Director:
Cory Gilstrap
Room 161B
Sound Design Instructor:
Jason Ducat
Room 126
Production Manager/Stage Management Instructor:
Emily Macintyre