Welcome to the DSA Orchestra
DSA Orchestra selected as a semi-finalist in
The 2023 American Prize!
The DSA High School Full Orchestra is honored to have been selected as a semi-finalist in the Orchestral Performance/Youth Division of The 2023 American Prize. The American Prize will be announcing finalists in the division soon. You can learn more about this prestigious national competition here: www.theamericanprize.org
Who We Are
The Denver School of the Arts Orchestra (DSAO) is an intensive program for string musicians seeking to develop their talent, understanding, and passion for music. DSAO prepares students who want to become professional musicians but also serves those wishing to pursue music for their own enrichment or to participate in community and college ensembles.
As the Rocky Mountain Region’s only public 6-12 school for the arts, and a member of the Denver Public Schools, DSAO attracts promising young students seeking a challenging and inspiring environment in which to pursue their musical passion. Acceptance into the program is by completion of a successful audition, portfolio and interview. We welcome students of varying technical levels and ability who demonstrate talent, potential and dedication to string playing and to the art of making music.
Auditions for the 23/24 School Year
The application window for school year 2023/2024 admissions is now closed.
Please check back later this fall for information about applying to audition for the 2024/2025 school year.
Contact Information
Dr. Enrique Lasansky, Director of Orchestras
Office: A106C Library
Office hours by appointment only:
MTRF 11-12, TWR 2:55-3:20
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