2025-26 Creative Writing Audition Information:

Thanks to everyone who has auditioned this year. Below is the interview list. You will need your audition number to check the list, as we do not publish full names.

2024-25 CW Major Events

  • All-School Block Party: DSA South Campus, Friday, Sept. 20th, 5 p.m.
  • CW Middle School and Guitar/Piano Collaborative Performance Event: Thursday, Dec 12th, Schomp Theatre, 7 p.m.
  • 10th/11th Grade Performance Event: Thursday, Jan 30th, Concert Hall 7 p.m.
  • CW & Dance 9th Grade Collaborative Performance Project: Thursday and Friday, Feb 20th and 21st, Studio Dance Theatre, 7 p.m.
  • Senior Projects: Thursday, March 20th, Concert Hall, 7 p.m. 
  • All Major Overnight CW Retreat to La Foret: April 23rd-24th (returning on the afternoon of the 24th)

End of Year Celebration & Senior Readings/Chapbook Signing.  Thursday, May 8th, DSA South Campus, 6 p.m.

Creative Writing Department Information

DSA’s Creative Writing Department seeks students who share a love of writing & reading, and have a genuine passion for using language as a primary mode of artistic expression.  From learning new poetic forms, to exploring various genres in fiction, to participating in multidisciplinary and collaborative performance-based projects, students will engage in diverse writing opportunities which allow them to learn new elements of craft for developing their art of writing.

Additionally, students develop a repertoire of reading alongside writing each year in order to supplement the area of literary focus in their own work.  As part of the class curriculum, exemplars from classic authors to contemporary poets are introduced regularly for students to discuss talent in craft and model examples of excellent writing.

Perhaps most importantly, the CW program provides opportunities that encourage keener awareness of self and world, celebrates individual voice and expression, emphasizes the importance of considering diverse perspectives, and seeks to teach community-building and teamwork.

Finally, the CW program aims to cultivate skills important to the process of writing, such as meeting deadlines, self-pacing, working independently, and participating in the process of sharing work and providing constructive feedback for other writers.

Students graduating from the CW department move on to pursue a variety of paths, from becoming professional writers to human rights activists to stellar teachers, all of whom share in the ability to clearly and confidently articulate authentic voice.

Here is a video link to a slideshow about our program:


Contact Information:

Moss Kaplan

Miranda Popp

Fill the Gap Campaign

DSA is a unique school with unique needs. The actual cost of educating a DSA student with an extraordinary arts and academic education is beyond the funding that is provided by the district. In order to fully fund DSA’s nationally competitive arts and academics, we are faced with a gap. This year the financial “gap” that DSA faces is $1500 per student for the school year.

DSA’s Fill the Gap Campaign was launched in 2017, and all DSA parents were asked to come together to Fill the Gap with an unrestricted, tax-deductible contribution.  Over the past 5 years this support has allowed DSA to provide quality educational programs in the arts and academics, capital improvements for DSA’s unique needs, financial resources for low-income students, programming to increase Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and more. A school-wide culture of philanthropy is essential to the success of our students and fulfilling our mission…and together we will be stronger!

Your support of the Fill the Gap Campaign at a level that fits your budget will help us reach our goal of 100% participation and is 100% tax deductible. Join the hundreds of DSA parents who are already supporting DSA through either a monthly or one-time donation.

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